
Free puppy to a good home

Nah...just kidding. We love the little bugger. Tomorrow will be a better day for this dog owner I'm sure. But today? Well today was one of those days I asked myself " what was I thinking deciding to bring a dog into this house?" I guess it didn't help that I had a really long day going over floor plans trying to plan seating arrangements in the building we are moving to for 160 people in my dept. I came home with a headache...my son tried my patience with his back talk & the puppy just about sent me over the edge with his wilder than usual playful streak. Some days I swear this dog will never stop biting & jumping...and then there's the chewing up of anything he can get his little fangs on...whether its shoes, potholders, Jake's video games,...the list goes on & on...ugh. I need this day to end. They're both finally sleeping but its too late...I'm super cranky.

Ah well ...enough ranting. I'll end this post with a share of a non layout project I did last winter that is hanging on my living room wall.
When I saw these paper mache letters at Michaels I knew I wanted to do something with them. So I painted them a dark brown then printed a bunch of my favorite photos of my kids & I (after converting them to sepia toned black & whites) and I adhered them to the fronts of the letters along with some vine/flower accents I cut from parchment paper. And they were done. Then I had no idea how to display them. Placing them on a shelf would have been ok except that the "Y" wouldn't keep balanced without falling over. Luckily I found this black fabric backed shadowbox frame that worked perfectly. It even came with the velcro that is holding the letters to the fabric backing. And now it sits on my living room wall so I can enjoy my favorite photos anytime. This was a fun project to do for a change of pace.

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