
Been there, done that...never again!!!

Remember this barn from a post a while back?

One of my favorite barns in the area & I get to admire it every day on my way to work. This is Stillwater Farm. No one lives on the property it is a historical place to visit & admire. Behind the barn is an "interpretive trail" that I have been wanting to check out for a long time but just never have. So last week after work one night I asked Jake if he wanted to go for a hike there with me. He had the same opinion as me afterward...never again!!!
The trail was only .8 miles long but we couldn't wait for it to end. There was so much ice storm damage that hadn't been cleaned up and we spent most of the hike picking our way though the damage (most of it much worse than this)
And it was so grown over in places that sometimes the only way we could tell we were still on the trail was by following the blue dots on the trees. There was some beauty along the way amid the branches & swarms of mosquitoes...like this mountain laurel getting ready to bloom
And here's Jake sporting the latest in hiking fashion with the dogs leash around his neck :) This was just before we got a bit lost because there were so many trees down in this area that we couldn't find any blue dots. As we stood there looking for blue dots & swatting mosquitoes I leaned my hand against the tree next to me & it fell down just missing Jake...scary moment !!!
Finally back where we started from I was able to get a couple of nice photos near the barn.If we had known when we were lounging around here that we had multiple ticks crawling all over the inside & outside of our clothes & all over the dog I don't think we would have stayed around to take photos.

I'm glad I got these nice photos, but like I said...been there, done that...never again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The barn is really cool but the hike sounds like more work than it was worth. And the ticks...yuck! Brenda