
A rude awakening

The dog woke me at his usual 6 am today & I was so excited it was Sunday so I could take him out to go potty and then get him to come back to bed so I could maybe sleep for another hour rather than head right out for our usual weekday early morning walk.

We went out the back door onto the deck and as Tanner runs off for the woods I imediately feel a stabbing pain in the side of my neck. OUCH !!! As I look down trying to figure out what bit me I see a wasp on the neckline of my pajama top. But when I tried to brush it away it clings and flips around to the inside edge of my neckline. You never saw anyone take off their shirt as fast as I did this morning.

So there I am naked from the waist up...shaking my shirt out to get rid of the darn thing when I realise.....I'm half naked standing in clear sight of my neighbors if they happen to be up early!!! Hopefully none of them have dogs that have them outside as early as me or they may have gotten quite a show.

So much for getting a little more sleep...I was wide awake after that...and my neck is stinging like crazy now. Anyone have any good remedies for stings? I tried baking soda, vinegar & now I sit here with a penny taped to my neck...and you know what...I think the penny is working. The tape doesn't feel too great on my sunburned neck though...lol


Kristi said...

LOL! I totally got a visual. Well if your neighbors were up you KNOW they got a good laugh!

BTW - I haven't forgotten your handmade item, I'm just slackin' per the norm. :)

PS, how funny is that my verification word is "polonify"

Anonymous said...

That wasp knew what a sweetie you are! Sorry you got stung but you did a great job painting a virtual picture for us readers and giving us a chuckle. I'd never heard of the penny remedy but will keep that in mind. Hope all is recovered by now. Brenda